Participant Information Information Name* First Last Email* Phone*Have you ever done any writing before? (Check all that apply)* Not since I had to in school I hate writing but I want to create a story to perform so I guess I’m forced to I always wanted to but could never get started I wrote something great once but have been stuck since then On and off, I usually need a deadline I keep a journal but have never written to share I used to write freely until my writer’s group disbanded, now I’m stuck I write a wicked facebook post but am blank when I try to “write” write I write all the time and have no trouble getting started I am proficient in one type of writing but want to try my hand at something different Other Other writing experience Have you ever improvised? (Check all that apply)* Yes, in college I was on a team I’ve done some short games but never any long form I’ve been through all 6 levels at an improv school and I just can’t get enough I’ve done it some in the service of other arts, like in my acting, dancing, or writing class I did it once or twice and was pretty good I have never done any, but I’ve always been told I should because I like to riff No. I’m scared to death. I’m only taking it because The Playground is making me No. I am certain I won’t be funny enough, but I want to try another art form No. But I’m game, I want to have some fun Other Other Improv experience What are you interested in writing? (Check all that apply)* I don’t know, I’m waiting to see what emerges I want to write a short play I want to write non-fiction, stories from my life to use at a storytelling event I’m half-way through a one-person-show and I stalled and need a push I’m exploring material for my memoir I want to create a movement-based piece that has a narrative arc I want to create a stand-up routine I want to write a song Other Other writing interests What do you want to see happen in Improv. (Check all that apply)* I want to dip my toe in I want to be in a team that learns long-form structures and performs together at the end I don’t know enough to know what I want I want to see how this impacts my other arts Other Other improv results Performance ideas (Check all that apply)* I want to perform in the show in November I think I want to perform in the show in November but I reserve the right to panic and pull out I don’t know about that show in November, I’ll have to see how I feel I am only doing the Playground for fun and have no intention of performing before an audience I want to be in multiple acts in the November show if I can create that much I don’t want to perform my own stuff, but if someone needs me to perform in their play I will I would perform but I have trouble memorizing so I can only do it if I can carry a page Other Other performance desires My preferred pronoun is* They She He I would like to have access to the private Playground Facebook Group Yes No